FinancialPro- AFC
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Enrollment notice for FINANCIALPRO course at AFC Vietnam

Enrollment notice for FINANCIALPRO course at AFC Vietnam

AFC Institute of Financial Management would like to send our best greeting and wishes to you, parents and students. Currently, we have been organizing the enrollment for FinancialPro® which is our special program supports students to be as Accountant - Auditor in foreign capital investment companies or large audit firms as Big4, DTL....

Gói học bổng CAT/FIA – ACCA- FinancialPro® cho các bạn tham gia chương trình

Gói học bổng CAT/FIA – ACCA- FinancialPro®  cho các bạn tham gia chương trình

Thông tin ưu đãi học phí đặc biệt chương trình CAT/FIA – ACCA- FinancialPro® cho các bạn tham gia chương trình - “HỌC ĐỂ THAY ĐỔI″ của AFC Vietnam

Trải nghiệm với khóa học FinancialPro

Trải nghiệm với khóa học FinancialPro

FINANCIALPRO được các chuyên gia đánh giá cao về chất lượng đào tạo đáp ứng đủ các yêu cầu: kiến thức căn bản; kỹ năng thực hành theo chuẩn Quốc tế và khả năng áp dụng vào công việc thực tế. Dưới đây là ý kiến của một số chuyên gia đầu ngành:

Question & answer FinancialPro

Question & answer FinancialPro

You do not need any certificate or degree before starting FinancialPro®. If you major in Accounting - Finance - Banking in Vocational School or College or University, you may be exempt from some subjects. However you need to demonstrate your English is good enough for attending higher level module.

Expert comment of FinancialPro

Expert comment of FinancialPro

FinancialPro® is appreciated the value of quality by many experts as it meets job requirements: basic knowledge, practice based on international standard and the applicability to real work. Here are some comments of some leading experts:

Training curriculum of FinancialPro

Training curriculum of FinancialPro

FinancialPro® is for many different objects. The program includes three levels from low to high. Each level focused on each sector. At each level, the certification system will equip you with knowledge and skills that you can apply directly at work, you should not wait until the course ends to get skills, start it right now.

Training schedule of FinancialPro

Training schedule of FinancialPro

How much time do you need to complete the course? The short answer is that this depends on you. The FinancialPro® is designed to be flexible allowing learners to study at a pace that is right for them and that fits in with their other commitments. As a rough rule of thumb, you can expect to spend about 4 months on each level of the course.

Job opportunities of FinancialPro

Job opportunities of FinancialPro

Each level of FINANCIALPRO® orients learners to a specific working group with the goal of helping learners position their jobs before joining the course and the abilities to apply theory in practice. Level of FINANCIALPRO ® towards ascending gradually helping learners enhance their knowledge, skills and job position.

Lecturers of FinancialPro

Lecturers of FinancialPro

The lecturers of AFC are reputable and experienced financial professionals, more than 80% of them had a long practical working time has been worked as senior auditor, CFO with more than 5 years of working experiences and leading professors of finance who studied and researched in advanced countries.

Qualification of FinancialPro

Qualification of FinancialPro

There’s a simple principle behind the FinancialPro®. It’s called real life. The qualification is focused on the practical skills and knowledge you’ll need to be a successful financial professional.

Introduction of FinancialPro

Introduction of FinancialPro

FinancialPro® adds value to human capital in accounting and financial areas by providing training services to increase the learner’s ability to perform job at a specific working position.The focus of the FinancialPro® training system is the required skills and practices at a specific working position in an enterprise’s accounting and financial financial system illustrated by a series of case studies.

Nhóm công việc hướng tới của FinancialPro

Nhóm công việc hướng tới của FinancialPro

Mỗi một cấp bậc của FINANCIALPRO® đều hướng tới một nhóm công việc cụ thể với mục tiêu giúp người học nắm bắt ngay được vị trí công việc mình có thể đảm đương trước khi tham gia khóa học và khả năng áp dụng vào thực tế. Cấp bậc của FINANCIALPRO® theo chiều hướng tăng dần giúp người học từng bước nâng cao kiến thức, kỹ năng và vị trí làm việc.


Bài viết: FinancialPro- AFC Ðánh giá bởi: PGNERMY vào 22:01:2025. FinancialPro,AFC FinancialPro, Từ khóa bạn đang tìm kiếm FinancialPro chúng tôi xin đưa ra các bài viết cho từ khóa FinancialPro gồm... Vote: 9.8 rate 10 7500 lượt dánh giá
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